This is the second fortnightly Food for Thought meme the brainchild of the very talented Jain from Once in Blue Moon and of Food With Style . The Road Home **** and a half Few things could be worse than losing a spouse to sickness and death, and when it happens and you have loved, it changes your life forever. "Lev pressed a damp towel to his face and prayed that the heartache would pass , like a brief storm, like a nightmare from which it's possible to wake. But it wouldn't pass and so he stood there weeping....." "When men cry it's never for nothing..." It was the premature death of his wife, Mariana, that Lev wept for. Lured by the opportunities of a capitalist country Lev had travelled to London from Auror, a deprived village in Eastern Europe, in search of a new life for his daughter and his mother back home. Lev spends a year in London, with memories of Mariana tucked into his heart, sometimes reliving his past at will and at other times...