This is my fourth contribution to Food For Thought . A fortnightly meme, the brainchild of the wonderfully talented Jain of food With Style and of Once in a Blue Moon . If you read a book and love to cook post a post as Food For Thought. OLIVE KITTERIDGE BY ELIZABETH STROUT **** and a half Lives lived are mostly dysfunctional. Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout throws that fact into our faces. And I find it hard to dispute otherwise. Olive is a large woman, solidly built, who lives without apology. She may be illogical, logical, temperamental, perceptive, obsessive, ego-centric, compassionate or abrasive. Or all of them at once. You feel her rage, you connect with her frustrations and her denials but at times you also despise her. Finally you sympathize in her fight to endure. This is a book about several people, each, neck deep in living out their lives and reacting. Some desperately, some resignedly and some stubbornly to the crap their world has to offer. This is also...