First of all I wish all my friends from blog land and the real world and my dear blog visitors who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas . This cake was made for N's birthday today and as always most times I end up making a chocolate cake. This is a steamed chocolate cake that I got from San's Blessed Moments. Chocolate has always been a favourite in this house with everyone and also because ~ " Every time I hear that dirty word exercise I wash my mouth out with chocolate." Unknown This was a moist and chocolatey cake with the perfect amount of sweetness ...meaning not too sweet at all. I covered it with fresh whipped cream because ... I had taken out the butter from the fridge, looked at it then put it back in. Since we had only cut the cake this evening I could not take a photo of a sliced piece. I hope to take a picture tomorrow. Do take note of the word "hope" though. The recipe... 200 gm sugar 200 ml evaporated milk 180 gm butter 2 eggs 100 gm plai...